Présentation de l'entreprise Kiwitron


Points forts

  • Amélioration de la cohabitation piétons, engins de manutention, véhicule légers
  • Reconnaissance des piétons par intelligence artificielle (IA)

Kiwitron helps companies improve workplace safety and achieve zero accidents and collisions, thanks to the most innovative technologies. While maintaining high productivity, thanks to the integration of hardware, software and artificial intelligence.

Kiwitron solutions are customizable according to each customer's requirements, as the company develops and produces all the devices.

The optical sensor with AI detects operators and vehicles, slowing down the truck in real cases of danger. In addition, Kiwitron offers solutions for fleet digitalization, predictive maintenance and blind spot safety.

Les produits de Kiwitron

Les dernières actualités de la prévention des risques professionnels